Filming Resources and Services in Kenya

How To Successfully Film in Kenya

Kenya offers immense opportunities for a filmmaker seeking the perfect filming location, making it the perfect cinematic setting for a range of productions. The Kenya Film Commission (KFC) is working to see that the film industry is recognized as a potential employer and a main contributor to the economic growth of the country.

Kenya's Filming Requirements

1. Get Filming Permit

In order to obtain a Filming Permit, write a letter requesting for the permit, fill an application form and submit it to our offices accompanied by the following documents:

  • a) A synopsis and screenplay for applications for shortfilms, TV series, and full length feature film.
  • b) A synopsis, screenplay, treatment, script outline, running order or storyboard for applications for documentary, TVC/ advertisement, music video, corporate video, infomercial, travelogue, docudrama, testimonial, feature etc.

Filming permits for TV Series and full-length feature films are processed within 48 hours upon receipt of a complete application whereas permits for short productions are processed within 10-25 minutes.

2. Pay Import Duty

A nominal and non-refundable import charge is levied on the imported film equipment per consignment, payable to Kenya Revenue Authority.

3. Clear Immigration Requirements

International filmmakers intending to undertake filming activities in Kenya are required to obtain Special Passes from the Department of Immigration Services.

6. Find Local Film Agent

All expatriate filmmakers MUST be facilitated by a Local Film Agent. In this regard, a Directory of Accredited Local Film Agents, who will facilitate location scouting, transport, hotel reservation, film licenses, shipping etc. can be obtained from the Film Licensing Officer on request or use our trusted network.

5. Kenya Wildlife Services (If Needed)

Filming in National Parks and National Reserves attracts charges from the Kenya Wildlife Services. Visit KWS Website for more information.

6. Pay Filming Fee (In KES)

(i) Documentaries; short dramas; short features ……5,000.00
(ii) Full-length feature film; TV Series……15,000.00
(iii) Filming fees per day………………1,000.00
(iv) Film Agent Registration……………….12,000.00
(v) Annual Film Agent renewal …………….12,000.00

How To Successfully Film in Kenya

Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions about filming in How To Successfully Film in Kenya

What are the most popular filming locations in Kenya?Some of the most popular filming locations in Kenya include Maasai Mara National Reserve, Tsavo East and West National Parks, Nairobi National Park, and Lamu Island.
What are the best times of year to film in Kenya?The best times of year to film in Kenya are usually between January and March, and between June and October, when the weather is dry and sunny.
Are there local production companies in Kenya that I can hire?Yes, there are several local production companies in Kenya that offer a wide range of services, including location scouting, equipment rental, casting, and crew hiring.
What kind of equipment is available for rental in Kenya?There are several rental companies in Kenya that offer a wide range of equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting, and sound equipment. It is recommended to consult with a local production company or a production service provider for assistance with equipment rental.
What permits do I need to obtain to film in Kenya?Depending on the nature of your project, you may need to obtain permits from several authorities, including the Kenya Film Commission, the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, and the Kenya Wildlife Service. It is recommended to consult with a local production company or a production service provider for assistance with obtaining the necessary permits.
Are there any tax incentives for filming in Kenya?Yes, there are tax incentives available for film productions in Kenya, including a 30% cash rebate incentive for productions that meet certain criteria. It is recommended to consult with the Kenya Film Commission for more information on the available incentives and eligibility criteria.

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